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Committees and Commissions

    Members of the University Council are represented

    • in the Selection Committee and
    • in the Findings Commission.

    Selection Committee

      The Selection Committee is responsible for preparing the appointment of a member of the University Council or the University Council as a whole by the Ministry of Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The committee consists of (§ 21 para. 4 HG)

      • two elected members of the Senate,
      • two elected members of the University Council and
      • a representative of the Ministry of Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

      as regular members and the

      • Equal Opportunities Officer (EOO) of the University of Siegen with the right to speak and make motions.

      Note: Meetings of the Selection Committee are not open to public.

      Currently the committee is inactive.

    Findings Commission

      The Findings Commissions is responsible for preparing the election of the full-time members of the rectorate (§ 17 para. 3 sentence 1 HG). Full-time members of the rectorate are

      • the rector and
      • the chancellor.

      The commission consists of (§ 11 para. 2 Grundordnung)

      • three elected members of the Senate and
      • three elected members of the University Council

      as regular members and the

      • Equal Opportunities Officer (EOO) of the University of Siegen with the right to speak and make motions.

      Rules of Procedure of the Findings Commisson

      Note: Meetings of the Findings Commission are not open to pbulic.

      Currently the commission is active.