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University Council of the University of Siegen

    University Councils were established at universities through the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) as a new statutory body when the Higher Education Autonomy Act (HFG) went into effect on 1 January 2007. This body was granted key responsibilities and competencies (e.g. electing the Rectorate, approving business and development plans) which are integral for structuring and managing each respective university.

    The members of the University Council are appointed to a term of five years in accordance with § 21 para. 3 HG.

Who makes up the Council?

The University Council consists of up to 10 people, of which at least five must be non-members of the University (§ 21 para. 3 HG i.c.w. § 17 para. 1 Grundordnung).

When does the Council meet?

The University Council meets approximately four times per year (see table below). The members of University Rectorate and the Equal Opportunity Officer are invited to participate a these meetings.

Note: Meetings of the University Council are not open to the public.

What are the business of the University Council?

At every meeting the chair reports on current developments which have relevance to University's Council activities. This is followed by a discussion of the statements, written by the members of University's Rectorate, from their areas of responsibility, respectively.

The business of University Council are given by law (§ 21 para. 1 HG). Most commonly discussed issues are:

  • budget and finance plans,
  • higher education development plan(s),
  • strategic positioning of the University in national and international competition,
  • quality of teaching and teacher training,
  • internationalisation and
  • research strategy.

Annual reports about University Council activities can be found at the publications website.

Meetings of the University Council

    Upcoming Meetings

      80th Formal meeting

      Monday, 09 December 2024 - 2:00 pm

        Agenda Items: Wednesday, 20 November 2024
        Documents: Friday, 29 November 2024

    Past Meetings

      Only the meetings in the current electorial term (11.12.2023 - 10.12.2028) are shown. The complete list of meetings can be found at the publications website.

      79th Formal Meeting

      September 9, 2024

      78th Formal Meeting

      June 10, 2024

      77th Formal Meeting

      February 19, 2024

      76th Formal Meeting

      December 11, 2023

      75th Formal Meeting

      September 13, 2023

      74th Formal Meeting

      May 22, 2023

      73rd Formal Meeting

      March 22, 2023

      72nd Formal Meeting

      March 6, 2023